The Integration of Mental Health and Education

The integration of mental health and the education system aids in the advancement of schools and provides a healthy environment to support students. This wave changes the fundamental framework of schools to go beyond assisting their students academically providing resources that will support their neural development. This transition led to reforms to implement resources, counseling, and incorporate educational models to educate students on this issue and how to support and identify other students who may be exhibiting signs of depression or self harm. With the publication of Bronfenbrenner's theory of human ecological systems, children's development is influenced by numerous factors and schools are one of the most influential for long term cognitive and social development. However, with mental health being addressed with schools boundaries need to be identified to maintain professionalism. The concern is rooted with the fact that schools adopting a paternalistic approach is undermining parents' ability to educate their children. Another concern is through addressing mental health within schools, is maintaining the integrity of the other programs. A national survey indicated that the majority of programs or counseling services were conflicting with instructional time. The educational reform gives birth to another issue on introducing mental health resources without compromising academics.
