Disparities in Health Care for Individuals with Disabilities

The Valuable 500's disability inclusion efforts bolstered by new investment

I am interested in exploring the healthcare system through the services provided for individuals with disabilities. . The reconceptualization of health and disability through past and recent studies examines health disparity in terms of the determinants of health: genetic, social circumstances, environment, individual behaviors, and health care access. The distinction between disability and health is a new concept. Initially individuals with a disability were equated to patients with an illness, but this has changed leading to the individuals with an intellectual disability being separated from standard illnesses. The models of disability evolved to incorporate social and environmental factors and their contribution to one’s condition. People with intellectual disability can experience lower rates of preventive care health practices. Studies address the disparities and raise concern on the disproportionate  rate between individuals with and without a disability receiving preventive screening and receiving treatment to manage external chronic or health conditions. There was a national U.S. study conducted that found that family practice and internal medicine physicians engage less frequently in a range of health pro- motion practices for their patients with physical disabilities compared with patients without disabilities. My initial research has helped me recognize the disparities between individuals with disabilities and health care, but I need to further research what disabilities these disparities are tied to. Do people with physical disability face more stigma and inequality compared to those with an intellectual disability? Are the statistics more common for individuals with specific background: gender, age, or finances? Through examining external factors, it will lead to having a comprehensive over on how much disabilities directly influence health care services.


  1. This sounds like a very interesting topic. Its quite sad how this group faces barriers in healthcare, but hopefully it is being investigated to create more equity in the healthcare system. Good luck in your research.


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