The Divide on Mental Health

I thought mental health was an interesting issue to address for this assignment on paternalism centering on its place within educational facilities. The debate is rooted in school counseling protocols. One concern is lack of regulation, with the non disclosure between students and counselors it allows for the counselor to provide unsolicited advice or discuss topics that exceed their level of authority compromising professionalism. This argument follows the idea that counselors should solely assist students academically and not be involved in issues related to mental health. The contrasting view is students feeling supported at school and ensuring their students are protected. Counselors allow for schools to be accountable for their students and help prevent depression or suicide, but if protocal isn’t maintain, can this resource be futile or harmful. Although there is a consensus regarding the government taking a paternalistic approach to mental health, there is debate on if this supervision should bleed into the education system without the insurance of proper counselor training, abiding by protocol, and  consideration of the parents' role with their children.
