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MASH Character Unraveling

The series MASH, Mobile Army Surgical Hospital, is one of the first medical comedies rooted in the reality doctor’s experience during the Korean War. We watch a group of doctors try to maintain their sanity in an unpredictable environment, while they engage in altruistic acts for their patients. Hawkeye is the captain or head surgeon, whose intelligence acts as a vital component to the medical team being a valued service. He leads with his intelligence and veracity and doesn’t shy away from hiding his discontent for military traditions. He believes the submission to certain protocols, claiming them as “patriotic” or “a national duty”. His views were apparent and aligned with some of his fellow colleagues seen on the idea of drafting. He disagreed with the concept of war and tried to protect people from the harsh conditions of being thrust into this part of national conflict. His views led him to compromise truth or regulations to protect others: hiding a 16 year old who was drafted and attempting to bring a South Korean who was deemed a communist to safety. Putting his value on human life over national duty (compassion vs responsibility). A character who contrasts from Hawkeye is Magrat, alleging her values with military rules; maintaining professionalism and remaining emotionally detached. These characters' differences in views are challenged by each other, but also internally having to constantly debate what is the right course of action in a situation where right doesn't feel like it exists.
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